ICWSM Paper Accepted

STAR Group members will be presenting a paper at the ICWSM 2012 conference. Brubaker, J. R., Kivran-Swaine, F., Taber, L., and Hayes, G. R. (2012). Grief-Stricken in a Crowd: The language of bereavement and distress in social media. Proc ICWSM-12. Dublin, Ireland. June 4-8, 2012. Congratulations to the authors! We hope to see you all […]

Paper accepted to the CHI workshop on HCI at the End of Life

Congratulations to Jed Brubaker and Janet Vertesi on the acceptance of their paper on death and social networking sites to the CHI 2010 workshop HCI at the End of Life. Death and the Social Network Jed R. Brubaker & Janet Vertesi We analyze profiles and associated comments on social network sites following the death of […]